-Property description-, the explorer hotel is yellowknifes premier full, service luxury hotel offering all the amenities, you seek each room is equipped with a its own, ensuite bathroom remote controlled color tv direct, dial telephone with dataport hairdryer and plenty, of work space for the busy executive the exployer, hotel is renowned for its excellent cuisine and, service barkleys dining room offers fine dining, with a northern touch experience regional, specialities such as caribou arctic char and, muskox or join us for our famous sunday brunch, lighter fare is available in barkleys cabin this, 128 bedroom full service luxury hotel is located, just steps away from the commercial and government, centre of yellowknife whether you are visiting our, capital city on business or pleasure the explorer, hotel provides the facilities and warm welcome you, seek complimentary coffee tea parking use of, fitness facility The Explorer Hotel. Overlooking Niven Lake and Back Bay to the north and Frame Lake and the Legislative Assembly to the south, our hotel rooms are unique in Yellowknife. Other Activites :
# Viewing spectacular Aurora Borealis, also known as the "Northern Lights"
# Savouring local cuisine
# Dog sledding
# Cross country skiing
# Snowmobiling
# Wildlife viewing
# Photography
# Hiking
# Mountain climbing
# Viewing wild flowers, tundra
# Sport fishing for Arctic Char
# Sea Kayaking
# Sailing on Great Slave Lake
# Bird watching
# Perusing art galleries featuring fabulous soapstone carvings, caribou antler carvings, walrus tusk ivory carvings
# Walking trails around town .
Yellowknife city 0,21KM, Yellowknife Airport (YZF) airport 3,53KM
Diners Club, Visa, Eurocard/MasterCard, American Express, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB Intl.)